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Art by Aidan Ventimiglia/VOX ATL Teen Staff

VOX Teen Poetry: “Spotify”

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In order to quantify my love for Spotify,
There’s not a singular reason why,
It’s everything that happens and what it implies.

Here’s my reason why,
Why I have to try,
To explain my love for Spotify.

It’s not the songs that make me cry,
It’s not the ability to listen without wifi,
It’s more about the way I rely,
On my dearest Spotify.

Whenever I need to be occupied,
Consider me alumni,
A happy day or one with a good-bye,
I can always turn to Spotify.

But the piece de resistance,
What sustains my very existence,
Is the introduction to an artist
An obsession it started.

Harry Styles,
Golden and kind,
Falling for his smiles,
Peace in my mind.

So much chaos,
Nowhere to turn,
Spotify is the answer,
My loyalty earned.

How to live happily,
To live in the moments,
And in actuality,
Spotify is this reality.

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About Abigail Ventimiglia

/VOX ATL Contributor

Abigail Ventimiglia, 18, attends the University of Georgia. Filled with a passion for social activism and a love for literature, she aspires to change the world, one word at a...

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