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“The virus impacted all of us in many ways, more than we could ever imagine,” writes Laila Thomas. “From people who’ve lost income, lost their homes, to people who’ve had to ‘virtually’ bury their family members, not being able to buy groceries, not being able to check on loved ones, etc.”

Artwork by Aidan Ventimiglia, VOX Teen Staff

What One Year of COVID Quarantine Has Taught Me About Myself

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March 13, 2020. The day schools across the country declared they were closing for what seemed to be just two weeks, but wound up becoming twelve months. Over the course of the past year, I’ve been able to spend the time focusing on myself. I have been able to spend the time to get myself together, to learn more about myself. I have learned more about things I love, things I have a huge interest in. 

COVID-19 has brought some ups and downs into my life, but in the end, time away from what was “reality” or “normal” helped me view a lot of things differently. At first, this virus didn’t feel real, I mean, I just hadn’t realized what would go on for the next year. But as time passed, I became more aware of the impact that this virus would have on our lives.

Taking the time to step back and really, and I mean really, process everything that’s been going on, was a lot to take in. With all the deaths and cases that were popping up left and right. Everything felt a little more…how do I say it? Mmm, real. The movies I had seen years before, for example, “Contagion,” contained events similar to what we are going through right now. The nights and days thinking that this could never, ever happen, then all of a sudden it did! How was I supposed to react? Suddenly our lives were just switched, in a second. Where everything felt different than it did before. 

Over the weeks, time passed by and I slowly became more aware of everything that was happening around me. I realized how big of an impact this virus would have on businesses, families, employees, and many others. Those who were stuck in different countries, different states, different homes, with, and without, their families. The people who couldn’t access the resources they needed to survive. Those who had to go through hell and back to provide for themselves and their families. The people who pushed through, stayed strong, worked their butts off to get back on their feet…this, this is reality. 

The virus impacted all of us in many ways, more than we could ever imagine — from people who’ve lost income, lost their homes, to people who’ve had to “virtually” bury their family members, not being able to buy groceries, not being able to check on loved ones, etc. There are just so many different factors. And now over a year later, people are still pushing through, giving their all, and trying their best. 

A year into the COVID pandemic, this question has constantly been on my mind: “Could we have prevented this?” What if there were something that could’ve been done? Lives that could’ve been saved. Houses that would still be home. Come on now. It’s deeper than just a virus, this is our world.

This virus will only get better if we do better. Although the virus caused a huge shock to the world and made drastic changes in our lives, I was able to use the time I had to myself to learn more about myself, learn how to take care of my hair, maintain my acne, become closer with God.

There are so many different skills I wouldn’t have gained if I hadn’t had more time to work on myself and my well-being. This virus had its lows and highs but I believe we can all say it was definitely life-changing.


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comments (5)

  1. ramaya thomas

    great read! so proud of you.

  2. Renee Ruffin

    I’m so proud of you. Your insight and self- reflection are incredible. And your ability to articulate and document your thoughts and feelings even more so.

  3. Deborah

    Very well said. I am so proud of you be as young and have a outlook like this tell me you can become a great writer if you wanted to ..keep striving for what you want in life the sky his no limits on what you can do ..keep god first and you will succeed .
    Love you ladybug..

  4. Martha Michielsen

    Great article. So many thoughtful insights and reflections.

  5. Aunt Pam

    I am completely blown away! Laila you are so Amazing! You are so insightful and your writing touches the readers mind and heart!
    So proud of you my sweet niece!! I hope you know that you have my love and support!!