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VOX Interviews the Inspirational Cast of ‘STEP’ The Movie

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On Monday July 17, the cast of the much anticipated film “STEP”stopped into VOX Teen Communications for a press conference with our teen reporters. Cast members Cori Grainger, Tayla Solomon, and Blessin Giraldo shared with us their experiences growing up in Baltimore and being some of the founding members of the Baltimore Leadership School for Young Women Step Team, as well as some words of wisdom for their fans.

The film’s director Amanda Lipitz, BLSYW college counselor Paula Dofat, and step coach Gari McIntyre also stopped in and shared their experiences. “STEP” was a surprise hit at this year’s Sundance Film Festival and got picked up by Fox Searchlight for wide distribution. Lipitz first started filming the stars at age 11 as a way to help the Baltimore Leadership School attracts donors and support.

In a film review we posted earlier this week, VOX contributor Amariyah Callender said this about the movie:

“It is awe-inspiring to see how far these girls come from the first rehearsal of the fall semester to the last show and how every graduate at BLSYW excelled and kept the 100% graduation rate going since its opening in 2009. I highly recommend seeing this movie as a reminder of the importance of sisterhood, teamwork, and pure talent.”

For their appearance at VOX the girls arrived in their killer step team uniforms and the interview, while it did involve over 10 people, felt almost like a conversation. They spoke on everything from becoming sisters with their fellow steppers to overcoming obstacles at home and at school. Some of the VOXers already saw “STEP” in an early press screening but teens across Atlanta can catch this inspirational documentary when it opens Friday, August 4 at select theaters across the city.

Kaylynn, 16, is a rising senior at Atlanta International School and loves saltwater taffy. 

Camera: Kenneth Franklin and Mack Walker

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Video Editing: Kaylynn Parks and Kenneth Franklin


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