Based on Roald Dahl’s novel, “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory,” is a psychedelic visual spectacle that is sure to please all age groups. With its cotton candy palette, trippy set… Read on
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All in all, this movie wants to deliver a powerful message about acceptance and maybe in a different time, it would have succeeded. Read on
This interview has sparked debate and controversy on social media. Cardi B, who is a former stripper, spoke out on Instagram Live, and while she did “understand what Jermaine is… Read on
As the first Marvel Cinematic Universe movie after “Avengers: Endgame,” Spider-Man: Far From Home” has a lot to live up to and, oh man, does it deliver….. plus a bunch… Read on
"...Then it hit me, this play isn't for me, it's for the generation who felt the tragedy, the pain, the heartbreak, the confusion all those 18 years ago." Read on
There’s a bit of Spider-Man in us all, whether you’re ready to travel the globe, handling a huge change or experiencing a shift in the space-time continuum. Read on