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The Right Side of History, A Reflection on the Women’s March on Washington

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My family and I began the 10-hour drive to Washington D.C. to attend the Women’s March on Washington on Jan. 19, at 2 a.m. In light of the recent tragedy that is now our president, we felt it was crucial that we took the opportunity to be a part of something so remarkable and to have our voices heard.

The day we arrived in Washington D.C. was the same day Donald Trump was sworn into office. Watching everything unfold seemed to parallel a horror movie. I felt as if I was in some nightmare I had yet to wake up from. My frustration and animosity for the nation’s current situation made it that much more important for me to be at the march.

The morning of the march we took the train to the Capitol. One of the most memorable parts of this trip was the number of people taking the train. We were all packed shoulder to shoulder with barely any room to breathe. However, for some reason I felt no sense of inconvenience. It was just part of the experience.

Once we arrived at the Capitol it was clear this was going to be a day to remember. Tons of people flooded the National Mall. I immediate felt a tone of positivity and strength radiating from the crowds. People were spirited, enthusiastic and cheerful.

Although the name of the march was for women’s rights, there were a variety of social issues that people decided to address. There were signs addressing the Black Lives Matter movement, rights of the LGBTQ+ community, and being welcoming of immigrants. Chants such as “Build bridges not walls” and “My body, my choice” expressed just how passionate people were to fight for equality.

Another beautiful component of the experience was the diversity of the crowds. There were a significant number of men who marched alongside women. There also seemed to be people of multiple ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations; all of them uplifted, supported and welcomed equally.

The crowd’s diversity forced me to compare it to the inauguration just one day before in the same location. The women’s march possessed a more colorful hue and advocated for diversity.

The unity and resistance against a dehumanizing society was truly beautiful. It is an experience I will look back on for the rest of my life. I will be confident not only in the fact that I was a part of making history but also that I was a part of the right side of history.

Tayler, is a senior at Archer High School. She submitted this reflection and photograph through the G.E.M.S. & Jewels Empowerment Group for Girls. 

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