Atlanta Teen Voices / all

Art by VOX ATL teen staff member James Rhee

We Stand By You

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As an organization that has been wholeheartedly committed to amplifying the voices of youth in all communities, VOX ATL stands in solidarity with the black community as they fight for change against an unjust system that makes them prime targets for racial discrimination and police brutality. VOX ATL has been committed to community outreach and service within the metropolitan Atlanta area and has been active as a catalyst for change and amelioration within the world through the voices of our diverse teen staff since 1993. We are united in the effort to ensure change and will take necessary steps needed to make sure that our members and readers feel safe, encouraged, and uplifted as we continue to press on through these confusing and hateful times. We hear you, we see you, and we stand by you. The fight is not over.

-Chris Jordan, Mack Walker, Emma MacDonald, Jasmine Martin, and Haley Henderson

VOX ATL Teen Board Members
VOX ATL Teen Board Members (listed left to right)

We invite you to read these pieces from VOX ATL teens on the topic of race and racism. We encourage you to browse our site for other content on these topics.

Terell shares his experience as a black teenager living in small town Georgia
-Original poetry from Christina
-The latest VOX Bubble discusses Atlanta protests, Trump’s tweet, and an arrest in the George Floyd case
Emory talks about white privilege

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