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There is Warmth in Every Snowfall

by share

After twelve grapes had been eaten away

The month of January was here to stay

The dreary rain seemed the only thing in store

People wished the thermometer would drop some more


Heading to the gym in shorts and a sweater

Truly hating the next day’s freezing weather

If only small raindrops would drop from the clouds

For the flutter of snow would make such pleasant sounds


A few days later on the weather report

It seemed that Atlanta would not be a pleasant resort

A blizzard was coming there was no doubt

The children in school gave a victorious shout


At the start of the evening the flakes started to fall

You were lucky if you could see them at all

For before morning even had time to arrive

Snow stopped falling and the icy road prevented a drive


It was a Saturday and the sun was out

Before Monday the snow would melt without a doubt

School would soon have its glorious return

Unless the weather were too take an unexpected turn


The day had arrived to go back to school

Freezing winds were nippy and cruel

All of a sudden as if a switch had flipped on

The birds in the forest were no longer gone


The sun was out and ready to play

The warm breezes reminded us of a calm spring day

Children were laughing outdoors around the bend

Thank goodness this weather has not come to an end


The middle of January is filled with delight

What was meant to be snow was transformed into light

This miracle keeps awarding us with the most beautiful day

Which serves as proof that this year everything will be okay


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Rebecca is a 16-year-old VOX teen staff member from Milton High School.  





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