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VOX Teen Poetry: ‘A New World Order’

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Do you know what really grinds my gears?

Yucks my yum?


You sadistic, racist orange who doesn’t know when to separate politics and your personal life.

When you govern this nation,

You govern the PEOPLE.

Not the whites.

You govern the blacks, the whites, the Indians, the Native Americans, the Hispanics, the Latinos, the Asians, the Africans.

Do you want to start another world war?

Keep belittling us and we’re going to rise up higher than your ego.

As our song of justice blows back your toupee.

As our tears wash away that fake ass spray tan.

As we grab the world by its p**sy and have it so shaken up that the word racism is erased from every dictionary.

You did this.

With Barack, we were heading to happiness.

But you hate to see us happy.

You hate the fact that we even have the right to share the same land as you.

Yet this land was made off our backs.

You couldn’t be me so you settled for orange.

I understand Donald.

You want to be strong like me.

Determined like me.

Clever like me.

You want my rhythm.

The swing of my hips.

You want the curve of my lips.

You want my soul.

So that you can find the greatness in everyone.

Because you lack greatness in yourself.

I hope our next president is one of color.

So that they can drag your behind into the depths of arrogance.

And your supporters can go right along with you.

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We enter a new era.

And you either with us or against us.

But you ain’t running this country no more.

Above photo by Alia Holt

Alia, 17, is a student at Cristo Rey Atlanta and is officially fed up with society.

PoetryIf you are interested in submitting poetry to VOX ATL, email your poem to Be sure to include an original photo or art piece and include your name, age and high school.

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