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Art by Alajha DeBruce

VOX Teen Poetry: ‘Hatred’

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It seems that… 

Hate is the new trend. Why would you want to hate on them because you’re not like her or don’t dress like him? Does your life mean anything to you? You have a purpose. 

Abhorrent emotions are feeding your soul, feeding your heart, and have now digested your brain. You’re in a world of hatred now. 

Toxic people with bad intentions, they’re everywhere. Negative thoughts and opinions are being spread like a disease, toxicity is in the air. 

Rancor speaking echoing through the world “ you can’t do this” “why do you look like that” “you’re broke” “you’re nothing” “you’re too skinny” or “you’re too fat.” Why is the world built like that/this? What is going on? 

Envious souls, they can’t be happy for others because they’re not grateful for what they have. They want what others want, it’s in their veins, it’s their need. They sometimes do dirty deeds until their wants aren’t wants and needs aren’t needs. 

Disliking the world or others won’t make you better, it’ll become you, and HATRED is built like a disease, it can affect others.

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