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Cover Art by Aidan Ventimiglia

VOX Teen Poetry: ‘Chopped is My Enemy’

by share

They say all it takes
to bake is a recipe,
But when will I see
the end product in front of me?

Too long of a process, I think,
Only for it to be finished in a blink
Of an eye, that piece of the pie.

Here, let me give it a try.
“Chopped” is my enemy.
It’ll be the end of me.
All those lack of recipes,

Comes a single destiny.
I follow my gut, I listen to my heart,
But when I pull it out of the oven,
It all falls apart.

There’s no shape and no taste,
A horrified look comes over my face.
Is it too late to take it off of the plate
And from time itself to be erased?

Honestly, where did it go wrong,
Where did I stray?
I really thought this pie
would be the highlight of my day.

Originally made for a family of five,
It takes me days to devour a pie of that size.
The success of my experiment I fully deny,
It turns out I’m not “Chopped” Champion,
For me, that title does not apply.

So next time,
If I need to bake some cookies,
But am really just a rookie,
It’s time to follow directions,
Take me back to where I left them.

They say all it takes
To bake is a recipe.
They were right,
For me,
They are a necessity.

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