“trace the sky’s scars”
I want to write a love poem to my ghost, but I do not like her.
my phone case is a daily reminder that, I,
am “lucky to exist”
because supposedly there are people who love me;
and while I don’t deny this, somehow,
I don’t really feel all that lucky,
their statements that preach protection feel like demands,
less kind, more practiced in order to sell lies,
I have made a friend within my ghost
she molds my occipital lobe,
her name is liz,
she is everything I wished upon a star to be
but could not achieve,
she is my sea, because she knows no pain,
but is the destruction of me,
she critiques my nothingness,
I must scream I’m vacant
before she believes me,
I am not here to become her gospel,
but I have yet to prove I’m worth more than her Sunday sermons,
all I am is what I’ll always be,
now liz is trapped inside of me,
she gurgles through my abdomen,
it is imperative I am not bottomless.
she had this beautiful, radiant smile
when she allowed herself to be wild and free;
she would create pretend worlds,
float outside the bounds of society,
exist externally to the fine line.
I miss when liz was just my ghost,
now we play a game of war everyday,
and of course, a little friendly competition can never hurt,
but death is never a cordial affair;
you applaud the way I lost fifteen pounds, but supposedly gained a focus;
I know you hate this bruised body,
I prefer it no more than you,
but what you fail to see,
is that you made me perfectly.
this is a love poem, liz,
from baby me,
who only wanted something to eat,
just signing off,
I no longer let
you define me.