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Art illustration by Daya Brown/VOX ATL

To All the Black Men Who Once Said I Was Never Worthy [ESSAY]

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To all the Black men who once said I am never worthy, I am hurt. I am perplexed on how you perceive my gold melanin skin to not be worthy of such praise. Nor how you disrespected the womb that nurtured you and watered you in your garden. You somehow forgot how this Black voice prays over your temple. As I kneel down on my knees, praying to God that the last time I grace your presence is not at a death tomb. The way my hands hold the pain of the vines that you never have to touch, as you reflect on the beauty of this great rose. Our bodies have become the armor to your sorrow, happiness, and greatness. As you belittle my intelligence, you have forgotten that I am the one who brings voice to your lost tongue. I am the one that brings power, loving, and enchantment to your mind, body, and soul. To think you said, I was never Black enough. To think you said that your eyes deceive me as Black woman. To think you said that I was never enough.

How could you say that I was never worthy? How am I not worthy of such praise? How could you say you never needed me? The Black woman has never asked to be praised by a man, only accepted. As we linger in your forgotten shadows, we somehow find ourselves making your presence unforgettable. The way you said my speaking of tongue reflects the color of a blank sheet of paper, tells me you lack the intelligence thereof. You have chosen not to dissect the multiverse of a Black woman. This one of a kind, multi-layered being that can control the world at one snap of her finger.  

You questioned my curves, but the way my body moves to the rhythm is only meant for the sisters to worship. You questioned my beauty, but my beauty is instilled in mother nature as the sun rises and sets. You questioned my mind, but my mind holds the philosophies of all great philosophers and teachings of all teachers. You questioned my love, but my love is the cultivation of the universe. You questioned my vision, but my vision lays the foundation of all generations. You questioned my ability to be a Black woman, but my soul is the cure of all devastation. 

To all the Black men who once said I was never worthy, I am worthy of all things. I am enough.


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  1. Kalliope Samaltanos

    YES DAYA!!!!!!