Vox blog: the story behind the story

Summer 2022 Updates


This week officially kicked off Summer at VOX! Read on for all of the exciting happenings around here, and be sure to follow us on Instagram for more fun updates throughout the summer.

Hello Summer!
Summer at VOX is such a meaningful time, as we offer intensive opportunities for teens to build community and grow their skills through camps, internships, and special projects. This week our summer officially started with nine teen and alumni interns (pictured below!) coming together to prepare to lead their peers during VOX’s signature summer program, VOX Media Cafe. Interns earn stipends for their leadership in the program and publishing – for many, ​​this is their first time earning a paycheck, and an important opportunity to build their resumes as well as bodies of work to share with college admissions officers and future employers.

The 2022 summer intern cohort!

Virtual VMC: Spend the Summer with VOX ATL!
In addition to in-person sessions of VOX Media Cafe (VMC), we are excited for the special virtual, nation-wide session this July! We only have a few spots left – teens from Georgia and across the country are invited to apply here. VMC offers a unique hands-on-opportunity for teens to explore multimedia techniques for storytelling. Teens also learn about the fundamentals of journalism and how to create a tangible multimedia product.

Growing the VOX team!
We are thrilled to introduce a new VOX team member – Coral Hopkins! Coral joins the adult staff in the role of Program Coordinator. In this new position, Coral will broaden our reach through engagement with teens, volunteers, and partners. She will also play a key role in supporting teens creating mental-health related content across all of our platforms – content that reaches their peers in meaningful and critical ways, since it is created by teens for teens.

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Amplifying Youth Voice throughout Georgia
We also have big opportunities coming up to realize our vision of informing and inspiring best practices in the youth development sector across Georgia. Working with our wonderful partners GUIDE Inc. and HTI Catalysts, we’ll participate in revising training materials and quality-assessment tools for the Georgia Statewide Afterschool Network. We’ll do what we do best – create space and opportunity for youth to lead as experts on their own lived experiences – in a way that directly influences other youth-serving organizations across the state.

Summer interns at Sublime Doughnuts after touring Patchwerk Studios during intern training week

Support Summer at VOX
All of these phenomenal examples of VOX’s mission in action are only possible because of the incredible VOX community. As a member of that community, will you support VOX in this exciting season? We need your help to meet our goal of $10,000 by June 30th.

Invest in Summer at VOX by making a donation today. You can donate online here, or by sending a check to VOX ATL, 229 Peachtree St. NE, Suite 725, Atlanta, GA 30303.