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Refining the A

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This month, the teens of VOX Media Café are exploring the city, the metro region we call home. Atlanta. We’ll be sharing poetry, reflections, reported stories and more. Want to weigh in? Share what ATL means to you at media@voxatl.org.

Refining the A

Seein’ my city change in ways I just can’t place.

We got my city changing colors the way some people change they face.

My city got a new pitch, that of Chipper Jones’,

but he been long gone now that Turner Field ain’t his home.

Beggin’ my momma not to sell hers, albeit for different reasons.

The white people want it now,

White the new black, and by now, we outta season.

A family moved in, made my black dog into white feline.

If you asked me how I felt that day, I’d say my thoughts were in a beeline.

They took a pink trap house, and now they made it white.

Dark out, BLACK out, and now, all that’s left is light.

Billaé, 16, attends Tucker High School. 

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