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All About Lil Yachty, AKA ‘King of Teens’

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Walking toward the media entrance of Philips Arena was like walking the green mile. Heart racing and breathing slightly labored, perspiration was starting to form on my face. I was about to interview Miles Parks McCollum, better known as Lil Yachty.

Lil Yachty is a 19-year old rapper from Atlanta. He attended Pebblebrook High School in Mableton, Georgia. He is known to many people by one of his most popular hits, “One Night” and his verse on Big Baby D.R.A.M’s hit song “Broccoli,” which has just been nominated for a Grammy, Yachty’s first.

The rapper calls himself King of Teens, which makes perfect sense. With his distinctive voice and a look marked by vibrant red braids with beaded ends, he certainly influences the youth. He dresses similarly to many teens today, except for his clear-cut diamond-studded rings and top and bottom diamond grills.

I interviewed Lil Yachty, a.k.a. Lil Boat, at the Hawks vs Wizards game on Jan. 27, where he performed at the halftime show. I was excited and intrigued to see him perform, since he said most of the time he doesn’t rehearse prior to performing.

He performed “One Night” and his verse on “Broccoli.” Although a relatively short performance, the audience, myself included, sang every word of his verses. While performing, Lil Boat was not as energetic as I would have wanted him to be, but he still engaged the crowd.

Lil Yachty has an album coming out “soon” he says, tentatively titled “Teenage Emotions.” He said the album is “about done,” but he does not yet have a formal release date.

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Keana, 19, is VOX’s News and Features editor.

VOX Multi Media editor Mikael Trench shot and edited the video.

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