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Talking About Money – VOX’s Financial Literacy Networking Ninja

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This video shares some teens’ reactions to learning about money, financial literacy and professional networking after they visited with volunteers from Wells Fargo over snacks at VOX. 

Talking to new people is hard. It is more than necessary in creating good relationships with people you may need for successful business ventures. But have no fear, for I, Catherine Boyd, have the cure. Here are some helpful tips on networking!

  • Be polite. Nothing leaves more of a mark than the first impression, so always be on your best behavior.
  • Engage them. You want to sell yourself while trying to network, so play up your best features and any noteworthy accomplishments you have. You want them to remember you! The goal of your networking is to let them know that there is no one like you. That can be a difficult thing to accomplish, so mention your strengths, but don’t go into boasts about them. You even show a few of your weaknesses also. It lets them know that even if you fail, you are more than willing to do your best.  Above all, show your passion. It doesn’t hurt to have good motivation.
  • Relax. Creating a good network may be beneficial to your career choice, but you are also human. Don’t get so caught up in being perfect and malleable to their interests. Be the best you. Nine times out of 10, they’re trying to appeal to your interests as well.
  • Keep it professional. Meaning don’t be too personal. You don’t exactly want to tell new colleagues what you ate for dinner last night or about your best friend’s trip to Rhode Island. What you do want to tell them is your strengths and interests.

Related: click here for more money-management and career path stories. 

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Catherine, 19, is a student at Georgia Perimeter ( a component of GSU) who stays up all night listening to unnamed podcasts.

Video produced by Mikael Trench, 18, VOX’s multimedia teen editor and a freshman at SCAD. 

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