Atlanta Teen Voices / all

This podcast and accompanying art was created by students at North Springs High School in Sandy Springs, GA. Art by Harmony Hines, Vonyeah Malone and Brooklynn Thompson

Does Smoking Weed Impact Teenagers’ Mental Health? [Podcast]

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Even though it’s illegal, we know many teens use weed. In fact, according to the National Institute of Health, in 2021 “marijuana use …reached the highest levels ever recorded since these trends were first monitored in 1988.”

In this podcast, we have teens from North Springs High School in Sandy Springs talking about whether weed impacts teens’ mental health. You will hear different sources and perspectives. Listen in to hear what they have to say.

Intro written by: Alivia Forte’

Sources & Resources: 

Marijuana hallucinogen use among young adults reached all time-high in 2021,” NIH National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Drug Abuse  

Effects of marijuana on mental health,” Alcohol & Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington,  June 2017 

CBD vs. THC: What’s the Difference?” WebMD

“What You Need to Know about Marijuana Use and Teens,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

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