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Do you know how hard it is to wake up as a woman? Do you know how hard it is to wake up as a woman of color? How I wake up hoping that if I go out of my house, I won’t be killed or kidnapped?

Artwork by Mecca Robinson-Jahi, VOX ATL staff

Dear America: A Woman’s Anecdote [Poetry]

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Dear America, 

By America, I mean the Caucasian males that run this country and call themselves “for the people.” 

By America, I mean the lawmakers that make it their mission to crush the hopes and dreams of every person that calls themselves a woman in this country.

By America, I mean the country that was founded on the values of murder, hatred, and lies.

Dear America,

Do you know how hard it is to wake up as a woman? Do you know how hard it is to wake up as a woman of color? How I wake up hoping that if I go out of my house, I won’t be killed or kidnapped? Do you realize how depressing (and not to mention embarrassing) it is to call yourself a United States citizen? Well, I’m assuming you don’t know because you are sitting too high on the tall horse you call your egos. 

Dear America,

There are too many times when I am just stuck looking at how a law was overturned that turns the country’s clock back to its founding. There are way too many times when I see my siblings scared of the state of this country as if we are going through a horrific war. There are too many times where I think this might as well be a war: The War on Women. 

Dear America,

Why are you always so happy to ruin the lives and take away the rights of the people who gave birth to you? I honestly don’t have much more to say to you, because once again I am disappointed but not surprised. 

Dear Women of America,

I see you. I feel your pain and suffering. We must stand together in these times to show 

We will not be swayed to knock over 

We will not be pushed to fall back 

We will not have opportunities taken away because of discriminatory labels

We will not have our voices taken to be silenced

Yours Truly,

A Woman


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