Spring 2024 gave us two gems with unexpected similarities in the vast mine of blockbusters released this year: Alex Garland’s “Civil War” and the Cairnes Brothers’ “Late Night with the… Read on
Movies / all
Marvel was once one of the biggest names in television and movies, but lately, some say it has taken a turn in the wrong direction. Some think Marvel started “falling… Read on
Growing up, I vaguely knew about the 1985 film, “The Color Purple.” The movie registered to me in bits and pieces, as I was too young to understand the depth… Read on
While "Barbie" might not be the most thought provoking, serious and gritty film of the award season, it’ll forever remain in the cultural zeitgeist because it meant something to so many people and brought me joy when I needed it most. Read on
So, are curse words still shocking? It depends on several variables. Read on
Despite rampant issues with the trailer, the thing that surprised me the most was the number of viewers upset that the film has gone too “woke.” My social media feeds, classrooms, and discussions among friends have been awash with overwhelmingly out-of-touch social commentary, made increasingly apparent by the new “Mean Girls” trailer of all things. Read on