Atlanta Teen Voices / all

Teens from the Latin American Association’s after-school programs created art and writing with VOX. This piece is by a student from Cross Keys High School.

What Does Love and Self-acceptance Look Like?

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VOX ATL was invited to create poetry about self-affirmation and love at The Villages at Carver Family YMCA in partnership with Georgia Cares, a nonprofit organization supporting youth and working to eliminate the sexual exploitation of youth in Georgia.  Here’s what a few creative writers had to say. 

I am a worthwhile being

I value my creative mind and energy

I write to inform and release

I trust that life will always cycle

I honor my time and make attempts at my body

I give voice to the issues of the world buried in the noise

I am or at least working toward being that b*itch.

– By Name Withheld


I am N.

I value my life and time

I write in my journal about my feelings

I trust God and my support system

I honor my parents and God

I give my voice to the respect of others

I am sassy

I am classy

I am the big sister of two sisters

I am N.


I am C.

I am a pretty pink princess

I am a volleyball girl

I am sass

I am an accelerated reader  

I am shy

I am a Catholic

I am ME.


I am S. 

I am from a dazzling mommy, beautiful grandma and pretty sisters.

I am from a pink drama queen sister and a feisty sister.

I am from blue glasses that I don’t wear.

I am from a “Splash Cooler” Capri Sun

I am from the YMCA! I love this!

N., age 15, C., age 12, and S., age 10, shared their original poetry at this VOX workshop. 

To host a poetry workshop at your organization or school, please contact or click here.

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