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Teen Reacts to “Let’s Talk About Race”

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The initial vibe I noticed when walking into an event at the Center for Civil and Human Rights was very welcoming. The teens from VOX who coordinated the event greeted guests with open arms and big smiles.

This event was VOX’s “Let’s Talk About Race,” an open-dialogue among teens about race-related issues in Atlanta, held on Dec. 10, 2016.

Multiple platforms were used to carry-out the dialogue. — from a short documentary, to spoken word and group discussions. Diversity played a significant factor in the theme of the event. Teens of all backgrounds attended and expressed their personal experiences of how race has affected their lives. Specific issues such as beauty standards, religion and even racism in sports were all openly discussed.

Head: Teens shared what they were thinking at the end of the eventThis event was a refreshing experience. The open-mindedness possessed by young people was inspiring and motivating. Race is a subject that is often shunned, but the participants of this event were fearless and eager to discuss the topic, along with ways to try to eliminate certain hardships that come with racial identities.

I believe a majority of the attendees went for the same reason I did: to be able to share our thoughts on race in an open and understanding environment.  I left the event having had a great experience. I left inspired to open my mind even further and encourage my peers to engage in race-related discussions. This beautiful occurrence of progressive minds coming together to encourage and relate to one another is something that should be valued and occur more often.

Head, Heart, Hand Part 3

Tayler, is a senior at Archer High School. She submitted this reflection through the G.E.M.S. & Jewels Empowerment Group for Girls. 

Art was created from the participants’ feedback at the VOX event by Jolisa Brown, VOX news and features teen editor, and a senior at Westminster Schools.

Interested in partnering with VOX to share your story? 

VOX’s program, Atlanta Teen Voices, builds partnerships with other teen-serving organizations and amplifies the voices of teens throughout Atlanta. If you’re interested in partnering with Atlanta Teen Voices and having a similar workshop that lifts voices, encourages dialogue and creates publishable content such as this piece at your organization or school, contact Sarah Garnitz at

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