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Photo by Amina Elamin

HIREATH [Poetry}

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I am consumed by the overwhelming presence of your love. It crashes into my soul like lightning, leaving me in a state of habromania, intoxicated by the sheer magnitude of emotions you awaken within me. Your love wraps around me like a warm embrace, a haven I can’t resist.

I am addicted to the way you make me feel, a sensation akin to a narcotic that I crave endlessly. Sometimes, I question if this love is too perfect, too surreal to be true. But then, you materialize before me, and our desires ignite, creating a symphony of passion that resonates through my being. 

There is no limit to the love I hold for you. Each day, I yearn to express my adoration, to hold you close and treasure the bond we share. I couldn’t really love you anymore. You are my precious treasure, the one I will forever cherish.

Yet, in the depths of my longing, doubt occasionally finds its way in. Anxiously, I pick at the skin of my fingernails, a nervous habit that I can’t seem to break. The covers wrap around me, reminding me of the way you used to hold me, and my mind becomes a battleground of thoughts. 

In these moments of solitude, my bed becomes both a sanctuary and a prison. It cradles my body, offering solace in its familiar embrace, yet it also holds me hostage, trapping me in a cycle of longing and despair. The sheets, once crisp and white, now bear the stains of my tears, a testament to the pain that resides within me.

The fan continues to spin, its rhythmic hum a constant companion in this lonely night. It counts the seconds, marking the passage of time that I wish would pause, allowing me to hold onto the fragments of our love for just a little longer. But time marches on, uncaring and relentless, and I am left to bear the weight of your absence in the solitude of my bed.

I know that I never loved you to be loved back, but that doesn’t make the ache any less agonizing. The void you left behind grows deeper with each passing day, consuming me from within. And so, I lie here, lost in the sea of my own thoughts, withering away as I desperately try to fill the emptiness you left behind.

I’m out of breath, my heart throbbing as I try to sync my breaths with my heartbeat. It feels like no matter how far I run, you’re always there, a presence I can’t escape. But I can’t blame you; I do it to myself. I find myself running in the same circle over and over again, and I’m conflicted when I end up with the same result. The dance of insanity, repeating the same actions but expecting a different outcome.

Do you love me? That’s the question that haunts me, the doubt that lingers in my mind. I want you to love me, to need me as much as I need you. But do you? I wish I knew the answer. Sometimes, I find myself on my knees, screaming out to God, hoping for some clarity.

I think I love you a little too much.

Your soft-spoken words echo in my head, and I find myself replaying them over and over again. Those moments, those sweet whispers, I crave them more than anything. When you hold me, it’s as if I’m the most precious thing in the world. I need you, and I love you with all my heart. You’re here, standing by my side, very much alive and present. But deep down, I just need to know the truth. Maybe love is overrated, or maybe it’s the only thing that truly matters.

READ  "Hoarder" [Poetry]

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