To Atlantis from Atlanta A couple letters away from here Lies a city When we are at our most beautiful, I imagine it — the waves crashing down — The… Read on
Poetry / all
A circular planet with an off center core Lighter than the rest Visible, the energy burning Out one side stretches a tail of cell and nerve Rooting its way back… Read on
Vultures can smell frying flesh and Charred cells they descend from heaven on wings carrying death coasting over the waves of souls rising They hover above the unsuspecting the weak… Read on
I was never one for perfection. The swoops of my penmanship never had to lay in synchronicity. They were made to give a point, and that point solely. I never… Read on
Abira of Lonsdale was the princess-to-be If it came down to it, She would choose the crown, Having the crown meant happiness, Pleasure, Wealth, Delight, Yes, in her eyes, it… Read on
I am Nothing More Than The accumulation Of The past Forced Into Another Layer Of God Forsaken Reality Forced To play Out Another Set Of motions That Have Already Been… Read on