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Photography by Zayla Bryant, VOX Teen Staff

VOX Teen Poetry: Little Light

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Little light, tell me why you always stand alone?
Your fearsome fire deserves to be admired by those near and far
Your light so fervent it’s urgent that you embrace all that you are
There is no one way to be brilliant
So you shine bright and high
Don’t be scared of the feats you’ll reach when the ground seems out of reach
Because you were meant to dance in the sky
To be seen shimmering and twirling to the tune of your own song and the rhythm of your own beat
Speak loudly and profoundly of who you have come to be
Cherish what you once were for you are now being unveiled as a new creation destined for great things
Nubian queens in the making the crown is yours for the taking
That magic is something the world’s got to have
So when you take center stage, embrace it
Chase it
Find your light and never let anyone tame it
Because it’s yours
And if enough of us find our inner glow we can pave the path of purpose
To map the prettiest constellation the universe has ever seen
So queen, are you ready for your reveal?


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About Zayla Bryant

/VOX ATL Staff Writer

Zayla, 17, attends Arabia Mountain High School. Zayla's appreciation for the beauty and power in words allows her to captivate hearts and sway minds. Her goals in life are to ...

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