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VOX Media Cafe Jumps into the World of Hard-Hitting Journalism at CNN Center

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Week one of session one of VOX Media Cafe, VOX ATL’s summer program for teens, was all about getting a feel for the foundations of journalism. On Monday, we went over the basics over the ethics of journalism with a fun game of Ethics Jeopardy and Solid vs. Sketchy.

On Interviewing Day, musician Jaye Price came in to play some music for the VMC’ers and answer some of their questions as well as get a chance to do some one-on-one interviews in the podcast booth and video editing suite. Next, VOX took it the streets and went out into the field and interviewed teens at Centennial Olympic Park to get their opinions on some current issues.

Our field trip of the week included going to the CNN News Center to get a taste of the life of a real journalist.

VMCers got started on getting their opinions together and creating editorials to be published on the VOXATL website. As we wrapped up the week, VMC’ers got into groups to kick off planning for multimedia packages that they can’t wait to share with you all this Friday!

Photos by Destine Manson, VOX Media Cafe, Alumni Summer Intern



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