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6lack Talks New Music, Tour Life and Fatherhood with VOX ATL

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6lack (pronounced black) is undoubtedly one of the most interesting and intelligent people you’ll ever meet in your life. I was given the chance to interview the East Atlanta native before he played his second of two Thanksgiving weekend back-to-back shows at the Tabernacle in downtown Atlanta, a venue he’d always dreamed of playing at one day.

We did the interview on on a couch backstage, with the smell of smoke and chicken wings overtaking the air. We were also joined by fellow VOXer Alia and two members of 6lack’s LVRN (acronym standing for Love Renaissance) crew. You could tell 6lack liked it this way — quiet, calm, and chill — exactly how his persona was. There was no trace of nervousness or fear in his voice or movement, which made it easier for me to conduct the interview. He was calm and collected, and acted as if he knew exactly what my next question was, never having a bad answer. We laughed together, conversed and most importantly vibed pretty well. (I mistakenly called him “Six-Lack,” too, which was pretty embarrassing, but he didn’t seem to mind much. Thank God.)

6lack and I covered a wide range of topics, from his feelings performing back in his hometown, to how he feels about the state of rap music right now. Huge thank you to the members of LVRN and 6lack, as I believe this interview would prove to be one of the best I’ve done. Please enjoy my interview with 6lack in the link below.

Editor’s note: This audio story contains profanity.

Also, be sure to read Alia’s feature, “From Seeing Black to Seeing 6lack: My First Concert Experience.”

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