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Set small, manageable goals. Avoid overextending yourself. Create a list of a handful of tasks that must be completed that day, and then slowly work your way through them.

Five Tips to Protect Your Mental Health During Finals!

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By Anjali Dhupam, VOX ATL Contributor

For the majority of students, finals are a hectic and stressful experience and have devastating effects on students’ mental health. Combined with winter temperatures and seasonal sickness, the end of the semester becomes quite overwhelming. Here are a few actions you can use to aid with stress reduction as you get ready for finals. Below are five suggestions you may use in your daily life to limit stress during finals week!

  1. Engage in enjoyable activities for at least fifteen to thirty minutes each day (watch your favorite show, talk to your friends, stroll outside, listen to your favorite playlist). Make sure to try and do it every day!
  2. Every day, set small, manageable goals. Avoid overextending yourself. Create a list of a handful of tasks that must be completed that day, and then slowly work your way through them.
  3. Make a rough schedule of the different meetings and tasks you must complete for each day. It helps to stay on track when you have a simple outline of what you will study during the day.
  4. Positive psychology concentrates on what individuals do well and how to apply these observations and strategies to support people in enjoying life rather than just surviving. Therefore, negative self-talk should be disregarded in favor of only positive self-talk. Recognize your negative emotions, when you doubt your ability and self-confidence, and then let them go. Try to concentrate on the good thoughts that encourage you and highlight your best qualities.
  5. Since there is growing evidence that diet can alter your emotions and that the stomach and mind are intertwined, avoid skipping meals, particularly as finals draw near. At every meal, try to consume a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, protein, and minimal amounts of sweets.
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