On Tuesday, the annual Met Gala was held in New York City. There were so many beautiful pieces of clothing from brands like Louis Vuitton, Dior, and Versace. However, there was one person who really struck my eye, Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez (AOC). AOC is a congresswoman born and raised in the Bronx. AOC wore a white… Read on
Politics / all
Okay and who thinks Black history should also be taught in schools? Great! By a show of hands, who thinks Critical Race Theory should be taught in schools? Awesome. You know who doesn’t? Texas Governor Greg Abbott. House Bill 3979, signed by Governor Abbott, states that Critical Race Theory will not be required to be… Read on
I’ve always disliked the founding fathers. These men created a government in which only straight white men could be free, and it infuriates me. The founding fathers were a group of wealthy white men that did significant work to help set up the United States government. The eight men were George Washington, John Adams, Thomas… Read on
How can we accurately reflect the experiences of victims of racism, ensure that all members of American society experience equal representation, and establish systems for all said members to have access to fundamental rights? The answer is teaching Critical Race Theory. Read on
"The overarching goal that I have is to apply equity, efficiency and accessibility to all divisions of the Secretary of State, including elections. Read on
We live in a society today where we turn on the news, look on the screen, see some whacko has gotten a gun and killed some people. Read on