Money’s always going to be a very important thing in your life. If you find things that are free, great, but most of the things you have now are not free. Somebody had to pay for them. So it’s best that you manage your money the best possible way you can while you’re still young.” - Catherine, 19 Read on
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The idea of making a budget can fill even the bravest teen with doubt and uneasiness. A video produced by Junior Achievement says half of all teens don’t know how to create a simple budget and one-third of Americans don’t pay their bills on time. It doesn’t have to be that way! Budgets aren’t something to fear. They’re tools that help you keep track of where your money is going. Read on
The world of financial aid can easily overwhelming with a plethora of terms. VOX is here to help guide you on your journey through financial aid by breaking down the 10 common terms. Read on
Being in high school doesn’t mean it’s too early to start looking for ways to save. In fact, many of these tips will make high school life a little easier as well as preparing you for the world beyond. Read on
Learning these habits now will help you in the future when you get money regularly and you are being wonderfully independent. Saving now saves you later. Read on